How not to bake an egg- a story by Pig and Dawg

Dawg, noble and wise soul that he is opened the dialogue with a - The first thing and perhaps the most important part which most people don't get about how not to do is.. You don't buy the egg.. You wait for the hens outside to gift wrap you one ?, asked the naive Pig. To which the wise Dawg replied- No...You'd think so.. wouldn't you... well no.. because once u have an egg.. u know.. u've got to bake it.. The Pig thought a while and remembered- baking an egg is singlehandedly the toughest task at hand for mankind, ranking far ahead of climate change and poverty according to the 2011 Phoney survey. Dawg shook his wise head and ignored the irrelevant words of the Pig- the second part always mix the baking powder with the egg, because after that no matter how hard you'd try.. you'll end up with a cake.. and not a baked egg.. But sire, the pig butted in- how can we bake an egg with baking power and not end up...