Looking skywards

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. I think there are just a few of us out there, or maybe I just live in a cluster of those who don't. I am talking about those who appreciate the changing façades of the sky and its many meanings and metaphors. It is not infrequent that I would be walking down the streets listlessly and look up and find my mood turning around into one of pondering. Over the Ganges, September 2010 I remember vividly a day gone not so long ago. I was walking down a street with two of my close friends. We were talking of mundane daily things when I suddenly looked at the horizon. The sky was a shade of pink then, with streaks of purple. I almost squealed 'Look! Isn't it beautiful..' And they looked around while asking 'Where'. On being told to look at the sky, they almost sounded disappointed with their 'Oh's. Birahi sky, June 2010 I do not know what ...