A letter

Hello me, my old friend and foe,

The last I tried to speak to you, all I heard were echoes as if resonating from a cold and dark cave. All I felt was a breeze of emptiness drifting towards me and hitting me face on, the cold air slicing through the unfeeling layer of skin. I returned home that day, feeling desolate and rejected. 

The world outside seems to welcome me with open arms and smiling faces, no daggers hidden behind their earthly bodies, waiting to rip my soul apart. And yet,when I look at your hollow cocoon in the mirror, all I see is distrust and hopelessness.

Dear me, I often spend hours pondering upon the reasons for this premature demise of the happy soul that once swelled inside.

Has she emerged from it, resplendent wings and all, to fly off to a place where there is no melancholy and no disappointments?

Or has she faded away, her shrivelled  remains slowly decaying until the winds carried her away to a place of no return.

Dear me, the questions I have are many and yet here you are, leaving me in painful silence once again. 

Won't you help out this lost friend of yours figure out life's puzzles. 

Dear me, are you still there?

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggersby BlogAdda.


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