My moo and I

Two worlds apart,
My Moo and I.

Barter and trade stories, our lives,
Two worlds apart.
Peek into our sides,
Do right the wrongs.

So far away,
And yet make things work.
My moo and I.

Moo works too hard.
I too little.
Moo has big ambitions,
Juggles work with GMATs and French,
I while away time.
And I don't even know what dreams are.

Through glimpses into each other's lives, we learn..
Too much work and no play ain't no fun.
Too much play and no work leads nowhere.

And so my Moo and I,
We sit together,
Too worlds apart.
And make wrongs right.


  1. Oh my sege... U touch the isolated corners of my heart.. Like water fills up a jar leaving n o space untouched... U fill up my heart with love leaving no room for darkness

  2. hahaha. you should seriously do some writing, oh melodramatic soul!! :)


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