Off with your head- Oh how I hate that unclean stubble

I hate that unclean stubble,
For it leads to many a questions,
Have you been hibernating in the Himalayas,
A hippie soaked in Bhang and the Booze?
Or have you awoken, much like Sleeping Beauty,
From a sleep of hundred days?
How else would you explain that unkempt scenery,
You have decided to punish my glances with?
Long gone are my days of being smitten,
For what use a man who cannot spare,
Minutes and dimes for a shave.
Alas, my heart cannot take, 
The bedraggled mess you got going on,
In the words of the wise angry queen in Alice,
Off with your head.

Protest Against Unclean Stubble Activity in association with BlogAdda.


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