"His clean shaven look bowled me over"

"His clean shaven look bowled me over"... These are lines you would have never expected to hear from me, considering my track record of crushes. The reason for my awakening? A fateful tale I shall now share with you

There was I, young, bewitched by the dashing Mardaangi (aka Manliness) of men like handle-bar mustache touting Ranveer Singh; determined that the next time Cupid’s arrow struck me, it would be with a Ranveer Singh-and-Prince Charming hybrid who would whisk me away on his white horse and all. 

Little did I know how doomed this dream was. You see, our technology in movies is such that we do not have the (mis)fortune of sniffing the scents (and stinks) of all that is there in Bollywood movies. Why else would Chandni Chowk look like such a vibrant, rose scented, fume-less song-sequence heaven, where the heroes and heroines flutter around without having to wear masks.

Anyway, so there I was, resolute in this search for my 'Daari Mucch' man, and as fate would have it, I bumped into one in a metro heading to the Qutub; there he was, in all his manly glory, standing by the door; I was almost gasping for breath at the glorious sight.. Until a breeze blew past, bringing with it (very unfortunately), the mixed concoction of Parachute oil, Hair gel and all that which had filtered through his stubble, and stayed. Far from the butterflies in my stomach that I had expected, I began to feel a churning of another kind there. 

Now, stubbled men no longer feature in my ingredients list of an ideal man; And as for Ranveer Singh, I am very glad he decided to get rid of the unkempt jungle, as otherwise I would have to demote him from my Favourites List.

UPDATE!- I won! This is what the judge had to say- Bem for her post His Clean Shaven Looks Bowled Me Over  wins an iPad Mini 16 GB Wi-Fi. This post uses humour and cinema to its advantage and comes up with a smart portrayal of why stubble will just not do. Appearances can be deceptive, we learn from this post. Good one!

http://blog.blogadda.com/2014/02/03/winners-p-a-u-s-activity :) 

This post is a part of the Protest Against Smelly Stubble Activity in association with BlogAdda.


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