Two worlds apart, My Moo and I. Barter and trade stories, our lives, Two worlds apart. Peek into our sides, Do right the wrongs. So far away, And yet make things work. My moo and I. Moo works too hard. I too little. Moo has big ambitions, Juggles work with GMATs and French, I while away time. And I don't even know what dreams are. Through glimpses into each other's lives, we learn.. Too much work and no play ain't no fun. Too much play and no work leads nowhere. And so my Moo and I, We sit together, Too worlds apart. And make wrongs right.
It was a VIP event, so as to speak. A decadent event where the drinks and tandoori chicken flowed.. bearers dressed in white whisking in and out of the carpeted hall carrying platters of food. Guests sat on sofas, partaking in polite conversations with their neighbours, while listening to the singers who graced the stage. Right, the music, which was the reason for this particular gathering, and which my father thinks deserves a review from my side. The music. Two years ago, I happened to attend the same event, and by no means do I mean this as a compliment, they sang the same songs. The same faces, the same kind of music, the same gaudy lights. Manipur is rich in diversity.. of people, of flora and fauna, and so on.But when it comes to music, specifically the mainstream music, it is sadly still lagging behind. Most of this so called "Manipuri music" are "inspired" (a more generous word to replace "copied") by/from Hindi or Korean music.. to the extent...
I am just like you, I have dreams too. In those dreams I succeed, In those dreams I survive. I hold them close, These dreams of mine. I just want to be me. Just want to exist carefree, Be where people can pursue all that they want. Where they are not held back by cautious hands. How can I let myself fly, When I am being held back. Let me go once a while, Let me dream a little bit. Let me fool myself into thinking I am good enough. This world will crash those dreams, Like waves crashing against a wall of rocks, But let me still ride the waves for a while, Feel the exultation of flight. Have you not had crazy dreams too, About what you could be in a forgiving world. Why then do you go crushing my dreams, And driving me into a cocoon.
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