Oh naive little me.. (My brief tryst with development studies)

So as I near the end of yet another chapter, the insides of my brain are working full time, churning and scrambling, putting together gigabytes of knowledge, trying to make sense of what it is that SOAS has taught me as part of its 'Development Studies' masters.

The whole term flew by so past, and now all we have left are two essays, exams and a chunky dissertation to write. It is only natural, being the distracted soul that I am, that I choose to reflect on what I have learned so far, than to actually get to writing my essays due very soon now (very very soon)..

I have a theory. Hypothesis really. That school is really the only time you learn something new, the consequent degrees or whatever are just certificates to adorn the walls of your room. And work? I am still yet to fully discern how I am to make a direct linkage between what I have studied so far and which (un)lucky workplace's cubicle I am going to fill with my mess.

If you are not sensing the vibe already, it has been a rather perplexing chapter this one. I am still very much in the process of unraveling all the knowledge that has been dumped into this head in the past few months, and it's still evidently a 'work in progress'. I have however come to a conclusion-

1. One year Masters programmes feel like a gust of wind swooping past. Never try this. I do not know what to make sense of in such a short time.

2. The field of Development studies is rather a disappointing one for the romantic who thinks change can come to this world. Navigating through its topics leaves one with a sense of hopelessness and a realisation of how small we really are in this world. The megamonsters that roam the surface of the world (In most of the chapters, it is usually the advanced countries, the World Bank and IMF) have taken over most of the earth and we have little hope of ever being 'where the mind is without fear, blah blah'..

3. I have become very negative and seem to be emanating negative energy onto this blog of late. -stopping right here-..


  1. Why do you think that 'School is the only time you learn something new, the consequent degrees or whatever are just certificates to adorn the walls...'? First it reeks of pessimism and I'm afraid you are also jumping to conclusion. Learning continues and development is its part throughout our life. Just wanted to criticise you! ;)

  2. Oh how kind of you. :P Thank you for reading my blog, seriously. lol.
    Well i also ended the post with a 'I have become very negative and seem to be emanating negative energy onto this blog of late. -stopping right here-..'..

  3. Hi I read ur blog quite often and find it extremely interesting. I think Development Studies as a course makes one aware about the underlying theories behind development and also helps in understanding who wants development for whom at what price. I am studying development studies too and the course has made me more aware on why the "developed nations" wants development of the "under developed nations". I completely agree with you about ur views on WB, IMF & the Developed Nations.

    For me, I am not negative but after the course I think, I will implement development programmes back home a lot differently

    1. Thank you very much for dropping by. I really appreciate you taking the time to read my blog.. well, I am very optimistic about what can be done in this world too.. maybe not on an international scale, but even on an individual basis. :) development studies, it cannot be denied, does help in gaining a better understanding of the world today!


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