a glimpse of the dreaming spires

Last weekend, I, with two of my close friends attended the Oxford Forum on International Development, a conference for students to sit and listen, and even interact with renowned people in the development field. 
The trip started off in its usual characteristic chaotic way. We reached Oxford with fifteen minutes to spare (blame the London traffic!!). People around the bus stop did not know where the Said Business School was, we ended up using Sri's 'reliable' I-phone map which told us that our destination was 40 minutes of walking away. We were a little taken back having been told the bus stop was around the school. 

Nevertheless not having much of an option we began our walk across the town of Oxford. After what it seemed like miles of walking, we asked another passer by for directions, only to be told that we were in fact going the opposite way. Circles around Oxford ensued, and we found ourselves finally in front of the School a whole hour late.

The Conference itself was very much interesting, most of the speakers were dynamic individuals who made it seem like the world was not heading towards its doom (contrary to what we are taught in SOAS).. The workshops we got to participate in were also very interesting ones and made me feel like I was learning something new for once.

The city.. Ahh.. Love at first sight with its 'dreaming spires', the whole environment there in itself is so enriching and bursting at its seams with history. 
Me, being me took hundreds of pictures. Sharing some with you right here-

I wonder if anybody does anything at Oxford but dream and remember, the place is so beautiful. One almost expects the people to sing instead of speaking. It is all . . . like an opera- Yeats

Grow old with me, the best is yet to be- Robert Browning

Oxford whispering from her towers the last enchantments of the Middle Age . . . Home of lost causes, and forsaken beliefs, and unpopular names, and impossible loyalties!- Mathew Arnold


  1. Nice collection! Both the photos and the location are wonderful... Would this have been better if all of them were black and white? :)

    1. Thank you so much! I did think about making it all black and white, but then again thought I should add a little colour and sepia too. :P Next time, I will try and make it all black and white..


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