Its all in the mind(-set)

As we make our way through the unkindness/mess/murder of fume spluttering cars and scooters and buses and trucks (having learned of names for groups of birds or animals or even people back in my school days I have realised that these three are the most appropriate for describing the vehicles that litter the Imphal roads) each day, I sigh with grief. 
I think of the cities such as Manchester which have such an organised public transport system which have a well managed infrastructure reducing the need for use of private transport. The timetables and networks for buses, trams and trains so well planned that it is possible to get from A to B or even to Z with the minimum of worries.

Moreover the use of cars or even bicycles is discouraged in more ways than one by having hefty fines for illegal parking and charging almost a ransom sized amount for using even the legal parking lots. 
I guess it is all in the social outlook of the city or town to public transport too. In Delhi for example, buses especially are used by the  lower strata of society and is looked down upon by the AC car travelling rich. 
As if it weren't sufficient that such buses are jam packed with people who glare/shove/push/pull. 
In Imphal too, buses and cycles to the lower classes what the swan is to Goddess Saraswati; simply put, you wouldn't see high ranking officials using their services.

I do believe that in a small town such as ours, there is a great scope for the public transport system complimented by use of bicycles. However before such buses become a common sight and ritual here, society must first be made a little welcoming to the idea of using these services. Education in schools and colleges and public awareness could greatly aid a transition to public transport. Moreover if the condition of buses and the services it runs were improved, and efforts made to discourage use of cars and even scooters, Imphal could finally lose its unkindness/mess/murder of fume spluttering vehicles.


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