Birthday wishes for dad

Early childhood days. He was the one I ran to every time I needed something, some place warm, some place safe. If a bad dream shook me and woke me awake, he is the one I reach out to, his arms protecting me from the darkness of the world. Never once did he raise a finger at me. Never once did he give up on me. Frowns of worry would crinkle his face if I was a little unwell or upset. Never once did he shake me awake. Gentle whispers of my name or dewdrops from the rubber tree that grew outside our house was his way of opening my eyes. French toasts and spanish omelettes, rice cooked with an array of vegetables and spices, these were the things he loves to cook the most. Never once did he say no to what I have asked for, and asked for I have many. He toils, never complaining. Gives up on his dreams so that I can have mine.

Little quirks of his entertained me all through childhood. The way he would finish packets of food in the span of a few minutes much to the anger of my mother. The way he would love to nap in the afternoons when all I wanted to do was go out and play. His laughter, little heard but which were so reassuring to me as a little girl. The way he thinks he was the best guitar player and singer in the world.

My father is the epitome of simplicity, so little he asks for in life. Yet always looking to help others. Always looking for ways to learn and improve. No matter how old, he keeps his thirst for knowledge alive.

And a self made man he is. Stories of his childhood sadden me sometimes, he had so little. And yet it also fills me with joy that he could become so much more in such a short span of time.

What can you possibly give to a father such as this? What can you utter as words of gratitude for gifts of such kind? Are the two words we speak so often enough to show appreciation for such a man?
What can I do but thank God for the father who achieves so much every passing day, For the father I can point out to and say with pride 'That's my pa'. What can I do but pray that he gets all that he wishes for in life.What more can I wish for but for him to always be happy and safe, and never feel alone.

All of us have that one towering figure over each of our lives, whose very presence is the motive or reason for our every move. For me, it has always been my Pa. And on this day, which happens to be his birthday, what more can I do but wish him a wonderful birthday. And hope he always has reasons to smile, memories to cherish.
Happy Birthday Pa!


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