Announcement from the bard

So.. You know how sometimes a word gets stuck in our heads...and we start uttering them in every possible sentence that comes from our mouth... Most commonly, words like 'Shit' or 'Like'..
Well, my word of the day was 'muse'.. Might have something to do with the sky that held me mesmerised for hours today.. with its ever changing dynamics and well timed entry and exit of fluffy clouds and lights.. Yes, I can't help but think the whole sight was smartly choreographed by Heavenly forces..
Anyway back to the muse word.. I came here thinking, I have GOT TO use this word somewhere .. and that too for the sky.. and then I thought over and over- was I certain of the meaning of the word to pull it off in my blogposts.. Hmm.. so I asked the angel sent down by the Heavenly father for day to day questions (and even semester exam related ones..) - *The angel's name being Google*
So according to the posts listed by google, Muse means- wonder or art or even a poet or bard..
Am I always wondering or admiring the sky..? Yes
Do I get inspiration from it? Yes
Am I that inspired to think in lines of composing poems and becoming a bard? Hell yes..

So with a happy smile (the kind artsy people have when they announce news of their 'muse' or whatever), I present you my muse...


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