Eat, Pray and Love

Sleep comes knocking softly, turning my eyes crimson red,
And yet I refuse to surrender into its sweet arms,
I want to stay awake and type away,
The words that bang on the door on the other side,
So many things left to be said, and unsaid.

Yes, I am in one of those poetic moods now. Today, having being a long day starting at 6. This engine called life has been chugging along for more than 18 hours now. Out of which almost 3 were devoted to 'Eat, pray and love' (yes, the Julia Roberts one) - excluding the time it took waiting for the bus in the chilly Manchester cold, the loitering around we did in the city waiting for the appropriate time to walk to the cinema, and then finding the cinema.

In retrospect, was it worth the entire ordeal, umm, not so sure.. When I look at it at face value, no. Especially because she ended up choosing 'the man who looked like a horse' (I swear he did!) over James Franco (What were you thinking Liz!!). But the message the film brought with it kind of made it pretty worthwhile. The message of finding oneself amidst all the confusion over relationships, whether it be romantic or familial.
The need to take simple pleasures in life, whether it be through eating (yes, even the movie agrees with my life ideology), praying or loving. It talked about the need to undertake journeys, both internally and externally in order to find answers about who we really are. The need to not just accept life a la carte, but instead to seek a deeper meaning.
Movies and books have the power to kick-start us into thinking deeper... And 'Eat, pray and love' was no exception. It certainly got me into thinking about finding out for myself who I really am and what I want in life, for one.


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