Worldly advice.. :)

As I pack my belongings into boxes, readying myself to leave my room with the cool sliding window and looking forward to the 'en-suite' one next year, I cannot help but feel a little nostalgic. You see, I have always been one of those people who is always scared of letting go of the comforting old stuff and adapting to new ones. But what these last two years have taught me is, new things are not so bad, they could be better.

September 2008 : A month I had been waiting for, for months. Freedom from boarding school and home, I had thought. But as I packed my stuff then, I could not help but feel anxious. What if the people there did not like me, I thought. What if I did not make any friends and had to be alone always. Loneliness is a scary thing, we all know that. Some 'concerned' people in school had told me-'You need to let go of your childish behaviour. People in college won't accept you this way.' If only they could see me now, how I feel like I belong here.

Anyway, my first few weeks were quite torturous, to be honest. I had just two or three acquaintances and I barely stepped out of my room.. But then, through meetings during dinner and 'after-dinner' talks, I found my soul-mates- We were so childish, so naive, ready to try new things, trying to fit in. But somehow we discovered each other, and through the soul opening late night JCR and TV room or even my room sessions, we grew together, learning new things and now we are inseparable-so much so one of us even came up with the name 'Kids of Mice' which has stuck on.So much so we have even designated a mother and father amongst us.
Yes, one of us even wrote a poem about our love :D

"Kids of mice,kids of mice,

We are the fabulous kids of mice.

We run and shout, and scream and play,

Happiness, laughter, love everyday!!

We're 7 little kids, here's who we are:

Different and crazy...we will all go far!! love and in search of her Romeo,

Muffin...what can i say?shes just a lil pie-ho!

And then there's Glim...random little chickadee...

Dodo the earth lover...literally always free!

Huffpuff, our medic...curious and OMG the "whys",

Chuch the little shit with feet big in size...

Last but not the least, I come in

With a year long cold,there's always mucus-filled tissues in my bin.

I love you all very very much

Life is beautiful in Manchester because of ur touch..

You guys make me happy and are my best buddies ♥
[Note-names changed to protect privacy :P and hopefully the author won't mind me sharing her work.. :) ]
Well, my point in writing about all this is to show you, especially those who are anxious about doing new things, sometimes it's great to hold on to the old, to take comfort from it, but don't live your life on it. Let go and go out-make new memories. I am pretty sure there are half made 'Kids of Mice' groups waiting for you to complete them. :) Live in that hope.
And yes, people might tell you to change, to be someone you are not.. Do not listen to them, be the best version of yourself, and as long as you can look yourself in the mirror and not be ashamed of yourself you are doing pretty fine. They are not your friends, who tell you to do this and that.. Your friends would accept you just the way you are, with your faults and everything else...
Be who you are, and only listen to those who accept that version of you.. Not those who want 'upgraded' versions of yourself.

Hoi An, Vietnam August 2010


  1. i like it!!!!very nice...inspiring!!!:D:D

  2. superbbb:):):) never knew you write so well!! keep up the good work:)


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