When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it~The Alchemist

There are moments in life, when the broken pieces of our lives fall right into place and everyone we know and see seem to be almost like angels, conspiring to acquaint us with our dreams and wishes. Well, I seem to be going through one such phase of moments. Which is queer in a way because with the current workload on my head, all I expected was a downhill ride into the doom they so kindly called 'examinations'. Examinations of what, may I ask? Of how many question papers it takes before our nerves pop and we go into unreturnable paths of craziness?
There you go, thinking about exams almost made me forget just what my good mood was about. It is about people helping me to get to my dream- a jam packed summer holidays await me with its promises of volunteering in Vietnam and an environmental management course closer home..
It's true what they say, life gives us surprises in bunches and showers.. :)
[well technically they say it some other way, this is my way of putting it..]

May you all also experience such showers to get a taste of the 'high' I am feeling now..


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