On a serious note, India

Some statistics of what the future holds for India in 2030:
  • By 2030,590 million people will be living in urban areas in India, which is nearly twice the population of the United States today.
  • The population of the working-age population will increase by a staggering 270 million.
  • 70% of the new employment will be generated in the cities.
  • The population of the middle class urban households will increase to 91 million from 22 million.
  • $1.2 trillion will be required by 2030 to meet the projected demands for capital investments in the Indian cities
  • 68 cities will have a population of 1 million by that time, Europe has 35 such cities today.
(Figures from a report by Vittal et al, Aprik 2010)

We do not have to geniuses or researchers to gauge the implications such changes and increases could have on the existing set-up today. We do not have to really take a tour of the country to know what condition the infrastructure is in, how much more needs to be done before we can actually match up to the living standards in the developed countries.

India is in a phase of growth and urbanization at the moment, in the process of becoming (if not already) one of the better off developing countries with much to offer in terms of jobs, opportunities, development spaces and so on. In fact the urban economy is predicted to cause a benefit of 85 percent of the total revenue in the coming years.
But amidst all this change and positivities, there remains a looming question-Does India have the capability to handle this massive process of development and cater to the growing urban population in terms of infrastructure and resources?
The MGI(McKinsey Global Institute) recently conducted a 21 month long research study into the Indian cities and the barriers that existed which prevented them from becoming the world class cities that they had the potential for becoming.
And here is what they found:

Needless to say, these are the little things,one may say, which go a long way in ensuring the well-being of the country's citizens and are in fact the basic requirements for the prosperity of the country. On grounds such as this, the Indian future is bleak in terms of the provision of infrastructure and basic necessities, and while we can continue to cry out about how India is on its way to soon becoming a Superpower and living on the economic advancements we have managed, we also need to find ways of making ends meet, of ensuring that the next time an organization does a research study, we have more things to be proud of.. Because if not, the 'India being a superpower' bit will always remain a dream which we once could almost touch with our fingers but which we could never really achieve because we were too busy basking in our laurels..


  1. Bem.. this is a very intense blog..take a break n listen to this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha80ZaecGkQ


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