Here I am

A confession before I begin.. I am lazy, very lazy. In fact, I was just watching you-tube videos, relaxing and enjoying the perfect Saturday evening when a call from my father woke me up. He said -"Don't sit around, do something!'. And as I kept the phone down, I thought to myself the thousand and one things I had to do, and my mind automatically remembered this one thing I had been meaning to do since ages but which I had actually not got around to doing. Starting a Blog. Trying to get my voice heard, my opinions read. Many might share it, but I believe not many has tried to shout it out to the rest of the world.

Hello World. I am from Manipur, a small almost insignificant state in the monstrous confusion we call India. I am one of the 23,88, 634 people living in this tiny State (according to the 2001 Census) and what links me to about 80% of the population is the discontentment we feel, the sufferings we bear at the hands of the remaining 20% who wield guns and instill fear in the minds of all.


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