
Showing posts from April, 2016

the storm

the storm rages on outside heaven unleashing pent up anger hurling lightning bolts and screaming yells of wrath the ground below shook windows jolted it really feels like the end there is a battle underneath this elaborate concoction of skin and bones fragile enough to be shaken with all the yelling there is a wonder as to why there are only echoes and emptiness an undefinable pain within is there an answer for this or will the rains wash it all away till the voids are flooded with rivulets of regret and longing.

New lows

Newspaper article reads-  DESAM vandalises partying-bar, rounded up teenagers (; there are videos already being circulated on social media documenting this 'raid'- men yelling at shocked girls who were just out to have a good day.  The organization justified it as a means of controlling 'cultural pollution' in the state. Apparently the youth of the state were falling prey to the evils of the world- booze etc, and needed such actions to save them all from doom.  I guess living in such a place, where such well wishers roam around, forcefully conducting 'Keina Katpa' of couples on dates and storming cafes and restaurants, and dictating what you can drink and do (and taking photographs and videos of such raids- of only the girls caught, and not the boys, mind you), one can be forgiven for wondering if one has time traveled to the medieval ages, or even the age of Taliban. The naha...