Why so serious!?
Being an active element in the social media world of tweets and facebook and all that has meant constantly bumping into constant debates about right, wrong, acceptable and not acceptable. The recent one being the 'Oh lord, Hollywood celebs are wearing the bindis. Tsk tsk how dare they.. so offensive' debacle. Maybe it's because of the assimilated background that I grew up in, the exposure I got from coming in contact with diverse people, but I fail to understand what the big debate is about.. The bindi, in its traditional form, as far as I know, is limited to the red dot kind, signifying marriage and thus being strictly a Hindu custom. But when the decorative forms have been used by people of all walks of life, all religions even in India, what is the big deal in people of other countries doing so? Isnt it a form of appreciation towards our rich culture and heritage? Cultural appropriation they say? This particular paragraph in a blog post on the issue got me sayin...